The former Royal Palace of Pedralbes (Barcelona), headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean
BibleSearchers – “The pathway of modern world domination by a One World Order began with the Jewish messiah, Sabbatai Zevi and his corruption of Torah based Jewish Kabbalah for out of the Kabbalah the Maschiach of Israel will arise. Out of the Shabbatean corruption of the Torah Kabbalah the “Messiah the Prince” will arise.
Daniel 9:25-26 – “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times.
And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolation are determined.
Then he (the Prince) shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abomination shall be one who make desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.”
This may shock many well prepared interpretations of events at the time of the end. We might be well to relook at this passage of scripture. In verse 25 we see the phrase, “Messiah the Prince” while in verse 26 we see the word “Messiah” and later the “Prince”. Long have we thought that they were one and the same. Let us not be too hasty, maybe there is a hidden meaning.
These two verses are the only verses in the entire TaNaKh (Old Testament) in which the word Messiah is used. It comes from the word, Maschiach which usually means the “Great Deliverer of Israel”. The Hebrew word, mashiyach (maw-shee-akh) in Strong’s 4899, means anointed or a consecrated person such as a king, priest or saint. Yet in apocalyptic literature there is a Messiah and an anti-Messiah.
When we look at the phrase, Messiah the Prince, the word “Prince” in Hebrew come from a little used Hebrew word, nagid (naw-gheed) which according to Strong’s 5057 denotes a civil, military or religious commander, chief, governor, noble of prince. So far it looks as if this could relate to the Maschiach of Israel. The root word for nagid is nagad (naw-gad) meaning in Strong’s 5046 to stand out boldly in opposition, to expose, predict, praise, or denounce. Out of this Hebrew root comes the English word, negative.
When we look at the Hebrew words again, Messiah the Prince is referring to that same person as the “people of the prince” in verse 26 and he (The Prince) who “shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.” This Messiah the Prince has no relationship according to the Hebrew with Yahshua or the Maschiach of Israel.
The Messiah the Prince is the “Negative Messiah”, the anti-Messiah, the anti-Christ who as a civil, military or even a religious commander in chief will make a firm covenant with the “many” or with the “great ones” of the Jewish rulers according to the Jewish sage, Rashi (Solomon ben Isaac) who next to Maimonides is the most widely studied Jewish scholar.
The pathway of deception that began with 1666 Messianic revival of Sabbatai Zevi continued with his successor, the followers of the Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726-1791), the Jewish-Catholic Jacob Frank, who in league with Mayer Amschel Bauer later known as Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the Jewish prince Ansel Rothschild and the Jewish Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, the creators of the Illuminate, became hidden in Catholicism and Islam as the Sabbatean anti-Torah Jews seen today as the Jewish members of the modern Council on Foreign Relations.
The “Masters of the Illuminate of Bavaria” were created by Adam Weiskaumpt on May 1, 1776 and formed on the principles of the Jesuit Order to “lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral evil.” (Adam Weishaupt) The Jewish-Jesuit Illuminate soon infiltrated the highest ranks of the British and Scottish Masonry in 1798.
Out of the “Loins of this deceptive alliance” arose the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Thirty Year War in Europe, World War I (the 2nd Reich of Germany), World War II (the 3rd Reich of Germany plus Japan), Viet Nam War (destruction of the Buddhist in Nam and Cambodia) and today the War on Terror (the destruction of the Islamic people around the world).
At the time of the end, the religious, political and physical world will be in chaos. What will be more distressing will be that “reality” as we see it will cease to exist. Even the “reality” of our religious life will disappear. The Eternal One of Israel like in the Holocaust in Germany will hide Himself. Like the Gethsemane experience of Yahshua, we will feel so alone. Without a firm belief and trusting relationship with the God of Israel, life will appear as though all is loss. Yet the “saints” and the “chosen ones” are asked to believe, and believe that a new beginning is just around the corner.
The coming of the Maschiach of Israel (Messiah of Israel) will usher in a new age of reality. Our hope lies in having faith in Yahshua (Jesus the Nazarene) and to live a life of in full dependence of the God of Israel as He demonstrated in His life here on earth a full dependence upon His Father in heaven. As the storms of evil surround us in those final moments before His return we will understand that by “faith” we will enter a new life “through” Him.”
The Vortex into that day may have come when two powerful princes, met in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington D.C.
A “King” for the Kingdom of Jerusalem
The Dream of the King of Spain, Juan Carlos, is to become then King of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The stages for what we are seeing rising on the horizon, the constant parade of world dignitaries going to Jerusalem demanding no more building in the settlements of Shomron (Samaria) and Judea and in Eastern Jerusalem are all a part of a larger agenda, to set up the “Kingdom of Jerusalem”. This is the bigger plot that has been carefully orchestrated by the elite rulers of the world.
Few noticed one of the most momentous events in recent history when the Messianic Prince of America, sitting in the Oval Office hosted on February 17, 2010, King Carlos of Spain in Washington D.C. As Barry Chamish wrote in his book, “Save Israel” we read;
Barry Chamish – “Another cabal of iniquity is out to get Israel and it is led by the Jesuit-trained King of Spain, Juan Carlos. As we know, Juan Carlos believes he is a descendent of Jesus himself and the title he is proudest of is, “Custodian of the Holy Sites of Jerusalem”. He wants the Jews out of town and the Vatican back in.”
This purported descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene of Dan Brown’s book, “The Di Vinci Code” fame, was reported in the Sur in English article titled, “Obama tells King Carlos he’s like to visit Spain”, to have had an extra long session the president and the King had in privacy discussing the planned trans-Atlantic conclave between the U.S.-European Union Summit in the last half of 2010 as they dined over arugula salad with apple and thyme, grilled shrimp with tomato sauce and apple tart by the renown Spanish chef and restaurateur Jose Andres.
What the discussion were between the King and the President concerning the upcoming Union for the Mediterranean meeting we do not known. It can be highly suspected that the topic of conversation centered on Israel and the Palestinians for they were holding up the “Two Princes” who believe they have destiny. What was known, the meeting was held in the presence of their senior advisors, the American National Security Advisor, James Jones and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Angel Moratinos. .
As Chamish reports:
Barry Chamish – “Juan Carlos believes he is the King of Jerusalem. With a few twists he'll get his throne back. The setup for the endgame began after Israel's disastrous war with Hizbullah in the summer of '06. The leaders of the world met in Rome and appointed a UN army, 80% from Catholic Europe, to separate Israel from Hizbullah.
Just before meeting Obama, Juan Carlos dropped in on the UN's newest Security Council member, Lebanon, for dinner and a meeting with the new Spanish commander of the UN separation troops. We weren't there but we'll safely assume the discussion had nothing to do with stopping the upcoming war, and lots to do with turning a blind eye to Hizbullah launching tens of thousands of rockets at Israel.”
Earlier on February 9, 2010, an article in the Daily Star titled, “Lebanese President urges Spain to enforce Implementation of UNSCR 170” we learned:
Daily Star of Lebanon – “President Michel Suleiman called on Spain King Juan Carlos I to enforce the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (UNSCR 170) as he slammed Israel for hindering any progress on the Mideast peace process. Spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union which coincides with the presence of Lebanon, since January 1, as a non-permanent member in the UN Security Council. “
The truth-seeker of Israel’s enemies wrote about the ramifications of this plea from Lebanon’s president following the geo-politics between the White House and Spain’s royal palace over the next few weeks.
Barry Chamish – “Come the 17th and Juan Carlos told Obama that Israel will not be able to survive the next war. Obama celebrated by sending William Burns of the CFR to Damascus to announce the impending new American ambassador to Syria. And no one paid any attention to the coordination of the King's visit and this diplomatic about face.
And while Burns was in Damascus, the "butcher of Iraq" General David Petraeus was in Saudi Arabia meeting the Juan Carlos counterpart, the King and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Abdullah Al Saud.”
We received confirmation of this astute veteran observation in the ISRIA Geopolitical Intelligence and Diplomatic News on February 17, 2010 we read in the article titled, “Saudi Arabia – King Received U.S. Commander of Central Command”, with these words:
ISRIA – “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, received here today General David H. Petraeus, Commander of U.S. Central Command and the accompanying delegation. The Audience was attended by Prince Miqren bin Abdulaziz, Chief of General Intelligence; Prince Khalid bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, Assistant Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General for Military Affairs, and a number of princes.”
President Barak Obama earlier bowing to the Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Yet, one has to also remember the past, and connect the dots of those who “plot” against Israel and YHVH’s Messiah who is the Messiah for All Israel. During this time, the famous bow of the American President that shocked the whole world, wondering who was paying obeisance to whom when ISRIA posted this diplomatic notification on June 3, 2009 titled, “Saudi Arabia: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Receives Two Messages From Spanish King, President of the Spanish Government”:
Barry Chamish – “We recall that just six months earlier, Obama met the Custodian/King, and bowed to him while his highness received two messages from Juan Carlos. This is no coincidence. Obama, Juan Carlos (Vatican), and Saudi Arabia (all Muslims) are working in cahoots.”
Lest we forget, the G-d of Israel is allowing the internationalists and globalists to set the stage for the Return of the Lost Tribes of Israel and the Coming of the Messiah. The “Check Mate” in the “Chess Game” for world dominion is the Holy City of Jerusalem. As we see all the world leaders clamoring for a piece of Jerusalem’s pie, let us not forget, it was destined to be from the beginning of time, and foretold by the prophets 2500 years ago.
Credit to Barry Chamish – “AND NOW, THE WORLD CAPITAL OF DIPLOMATIC CRIME...BARCELONA” – April 23, 2010
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